Supporting multilingual & English language learners
Multilingual/English learners (ML/ELs) bring unique strengths to classrooms, enriching the learning experiences for all.
At Amplify, we empower educators with tools that honor the strengths and capabilities of ML/ELs. Our curriculum and assessments meet students where they are and help them develop their skills, propelling them on their learning journeys.
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿supports ML/ELs across all subjects, from English language arts to math and science. For students who speak Spanish, we also provide a comprehensive biliteracy suite.

ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA core literacy curriculum for grades K–5
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a K–5 core curriculum built on the science of how students learn to read and write. ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA supports ML/ELs in a variety of ways.
How ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Scaffolding at five levels of proficiency
In addition to core instruction, ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA provides lesson supports for Entering/Emerging, Transitioning/ Expanding, and Bridging levels.
Lesson differentiation
Lessons include Support and Challenge suggestions that provide assistance or opportunities for more advanced work toward the goal of the lesson. These resources are suitable for all learners, including ML/ELs.
Phonological awareness and phonics supports
The digital Sound Library easily facilitates sound development through videos showing mouth movements and songs that help students practice articulating new sounds with catchy lyrics.
Frequent oral language development opportunities
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA boosts language development with complex read-alouds, interactive discussion, writing activities, and explicit teaching of academic and domain vocabulary.
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA pairs with ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Caminos, its companion K–5 Spanish literacy program that supports biliteracy instruction.
Language Studio, an English Language Development companion program for ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA
Language Studio, ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿CKLA’s dedicated K–5 English language development companion program, offers daily 30-minute lessons to help ML/ELs practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Aligned to the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) framework, Language Studio previews and reinforces language and content from core instruction, so that ML/ELs of all proficiency levels are able to access grade-level content as they develop academic English.

How Language Studio supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Interactive language development
Language Studio provides opportunities for classroom discussions, oral presentations, and writing tasks, promoting comprehension and learning by connecting with students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Explicit vocabulary instruction
Interactive vocabulary and academic language support is provided before each lesson to deepen students’ understanding of text.
Multimodal comprehension support
Students can preview content, interact with physical materials, compare text types, receive explicit grammar instruction, and have access to extensive vocabulary exercises.
Skill proficiency monitoring
Language Studio facilitates evaluation with an understanding of what students should produce at each level.

mCLASS DIBELS 8th Edition literacy assessment for grades K–6
mCLASS® is an all-in-one system for Science of Reading-based universal screening, dyslexia screening, and progress monitoring for grades K–6. Powered by DIBELS 8th Edition, mCLASS provides valuable data on your ML/ELs’ literacy in English, helping you build a robust system of tiered supports. With a single tool, you can access the data and instructional support you need for each student’s literacy development, from phonics to comprehension, catering to all readers, from beginner to advanced.
How mCLASS DIBELS 8th Edition supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Screening and reporting
mCLASS’s one-minute measures and dyslexia screening identify risk as early as possible, providing you with the right data to make informed decisions.
Language considerations
mCLASS provides specific language guidance, offers ML/EL instructional strategies, and considers each student’s unique language background, never penalizing for language variety, accent, or articulation, and extending this understanding into small-group practices.
Performance and reporting transparency
Understand student performance through direct observation and detailed reports which offer growth insights, including district-wide student achievement data that can be filtered by EL status, Home Language, or English Proficiency status.
mCLASS pairs with mCLASS Lectura, an authentic Spanish literacy assessment for K–6 that measures key foundational skills and supports Spanish-speaking bilingual students.
mCLASS Intervention for grades K–6
mCLASS Intervention is our K–6 reading intervention program, designed to support you in providing effective Tier 2 and 3 instruction and getting readers on track. mCLASS Intervention does the heavy lifting of data analysis and lesson planning for you. This lets you focus on what you do best: teaching the skills each student needs to become a confident reader.

How mCLASS Intervention supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Effective lessons with built-in support
Lessons are equipped with best practices and guidance targeting language and literacy development for ML/ELs. The program also includes materials and resources that make content accessible to Spanish-speaking students.
Structured small groups
Once groups are formed, mCLASS Intervention determines the ideal focus for each group and automatically prepares two weeks of targeted lessons.
Keeps you updated on student progress
Track student growth with reliable progress-monitoring tools and reporting that provides a clear view of each student’s progress.

Boost Reading personalized reading program for grades K–5
A key component of Amplify’s early literacy suite, Boost Reading is a personalized learning program for K–5 that offers comprehensive targeted practice, built-in benchmark assessments, and powerful reporting. Boost Reading provides practice in the full progression of key phonics and comprehension skills critical to literacy development.
Boost Reading works. show that students in grades K–5—including ML/ELs—who used Boost Reading for 30 minutes a week significantly outperformed their peers.
How Boost Reading supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Systematic instruction in foundational skills and comprehension
Reinforce core instruction with explicit practice in phonics and phonological awareness. Boost Reading is the only program that focuses on comprehension processes—what readers do while reading that allows them to make sense of text—which is especially beneficial for ML/EL students.
Mouth formation modeling for articulation support
Boost Reading includes specific scaffolds and supports—such as a modeling of mouth formations for articulation—that are proven to be beneficial for ML/ELs.
Vocabulary practice
Targeted morphology practice for independent vocabulary building and explicit instruction with Tier 2 vocabulary words are proven to be supportive for ML/ELs.
Boost Reading pairs with Boost Lectura, a Spanish literacy program for K–2 that provides students with personalized practice to develop Spanish literacy skills.
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿ELA core literacy curriculum for grades 6–8
With ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿ELA, students learn to tackle any complex text and make observations, grapple with interesting ideas, and find relevance for themselves. ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿ELA is a grade 6–8 English language arts program designed to bridge language gaps and enhance learning for ML/ELs. With integrated supports in every lesson, ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿ELA empowers educators to deliver grade-level content while maintaining rigorous standards, thus reducing barriers to language acquisition and boosting student success.

How ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿ELA supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Built-in scaffolds
Background documents (in English and Spanish) establish context and support comprehension before students begin to read. Features such as audio assessments, read-aloud, and Reveal words ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage with and understand grade-level materials.
Differentiated writing prompts
Simplified language, sentence starters, word banks, and visual cues offer the necessary levels of support to help students meet their writing goals.
Multi-language glossaries
Available in 11 languages—English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, and Vietnamese—these glossaries support vocabulary development and comprehension.
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Desmos Math core curriculum for grades K–12
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Desmos Math is a new, curiosity-driven K–12 program that builds students’ lifelong math proficiency. Every lesson in ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Desmos Math includes opportunities for all students to develop mathematical language as they experience the content, while providing intentional support for ML/ELs. We purposefully progress language development from lesson to lesson and across units by supporting students in making their arguments and explanations stronger, clearer, and more precise.
How ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Desmos Math supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Multilingual/English learner support
Supports for ML/ELs are called out at intentional points within each lesson. These specific, targeted suggestions support ML/ELs with modifications that increase access to a task, or through development of contextual or mathematical language (both of which can be supportive of all learners). ML/EL supports may also be attached to Math Language Routines.
Math Language Routines (MLRs)
Math Language Routines are used within lessons to highlight student-developed language and ideas, cultivate conversation, support mathematical sense-making, and promote metacognition. Tips for facilitating MLRs are included when they would be helpful within lessons.
Language goals and vocabulary
Language goals attend to the mathematics students are learning, and are written through the lens of one (or more) of four language modalities: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Units and lessons start by surfacing students’ language for new concepts, then building connections between their language and the new vocabulary for that unit. This honors the language assets that students bring into their learning.
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science core curriculum for grades
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science is a curiosity-driven science curriculum that empowers students to Do, Talk, Read, Write, and Visualize like scientists. Through phenomena-based, literacy-rich, and interactive learning experiences, it develops students into critical thinkers who will gain the skills they need to solve real problems in their communities and the world. For students who need additional support, ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science provides specialized instructional approaches, activities, and resources that take into account English learners’ level of language proficiency.

How ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science supports ML/ELs in the classroom
Instructional design built on five key principles
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science leverages background knowledge, capitalizes on student knowledge of language, provides explicit instruction about the language of science, gives students opportunities with scaffolded practice, and enables students to access science content and express science knowledge through a multimodal approach.
Do, Talk, Read, Write, Visualize instructional model
Our multimodal instructional approach caters to diverse learning needs and enables active engagement and accessibility for all learners.
Honoring multilingualism
ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Science honors multilingualism as students are invited to share in their native language at strategic points in instruction. Teacher-led instruction on cognates and a multilingual glossary in 10 languages offer additional support.
Spanish instructional materials
Carefully translated materials use academic Spanish, with attention to consistency and grade-level appropriate language, to support language development.
A biliteracy suite grounded in the Science of Reading
Discover a suite of Spanish literacy curriculum and assessment programs designed to build confident readers with ÐÔ°®°ÍÊ¿Caminos, mCLASS Lectura, and Boost Lectura. Amplify’s biliteracy suite includes assessment, core instruction, and personalized learning built on the Science of Reading.
Explore more programs in Amplify’s literacy and biliteracy suites.
All of the programs in our literacy suite and our biliteracy suite are designed to support and complement each other. Learn more about our related programs: